Nomos Glashütte Metro Date Power Reserve - Références, Prix et Avis Clients


(3 Avis)


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Le profil de Nomos Glashütte Metro Date Power Reserve est basé sur 3 avis de propriétaires

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Artsy Watch With A Lot Of Range


I've had my eye on this watch for a while now! High expections have been met and exceeded! First impression is the the dial isn't as white as expected, it is a creamy silver that has a ton of depth and shades. The small touches of colors of mint green, orangeish/red, and black, are perfect touches. Overall the design seems to play in between mostly the German famous Bauhaus style that Nomos has been deeply influenced by and a touch of Mid-century with the color palette used. Finishing is very elevated for anything in this price point. The movement has been very impressive! Manual hand wind with a very unique power reservse indicator. Watch has been running around -1sec a day, which has been fantastic. Nomos specs list it as +/- 10secs a day, so this is running even better. It has a beautifully decorated caseback that really catches light from any angle and reflects in any angle that really makes it pop! A couple the areas that others may not like, I knew this ahead of purchase and wasnt a dealbreaker for me. 1) the lug width is 15-16mm spring bars but the strap width is 18mm. I've been able to use other straps with this by using those specs above, but it is a different approach to swapping straps that others may not be a fan of. 2) the date is set independant of setting time. There is only one setting for both. They do have a somewhat of a shortcut (and I use the word very lightly lol) where you can change the date at midnight and then back the time up to 9pm, where you will hear an audible click and then back to midnight where the date will advance. Both are areas that could be better exacuted, but were not dealbreakers for me personally.

il y a 8 mois

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